Year of The Wooden Horse

10:45 PM 0 Comments

     Happy Chinese New Year guys! Wanted to do a special logo design in celebration with the Wooden Horse dawning upon us, but decided otherwise because horses are a pain to design... So I have decided to upload a simple variation from the official logo.

     Talking about the official logo, low and behold, the one true logo for my blog....

     I opted for a simple design that would look professional enough to be included in proposals and the such. And tada, this simple cyan blue logo was born... will probably work on it some more in the future, but I'm satisfied for now.

     You can check this official logo out in the "Author Portfolio" page that I just set up! Learn about why I continue what I do despite the busy schedule, and find out about my past and current work.

     That's all, have a blissful Chinese New Year!