AMD Reveals HD7990 "The Fastest Graphics Card in The World"

2:51 AM , , , 1 Comments

We all had heard about it, and finally AMD unveiled it's long in the making graphics card at GDC 2013, the AMD Radeon HD 7990.

Sporting one of the coolest looking coolers (DID YOU SEE WHAT I DID?) on a reference graphics card, how well does it perform without overclocking? Be damned if I knew. Truth is we have actually seen 7990s from 3rd party manufacturers, and seeing the reference card design, it is much better than the custom coolers, with more accents of red than black.

How good is the performance though? We could probably refer to the Club 3D 7990 but I wouldn't speculate that it would be better than the 3rd party one.

Down the break, hoping for more good news from GDC 2013.

Source: TechSpot

1 comment:

  1. Mine is HD6570~ how much times better is this ?(just wanna compare)
    And is mine still consider suitable for gaming ?
