Ken's experience at the first ever MSI Gamer Gathering

So I attended the first ever MSI Gamer Gathering @ The Kitchen, Kelab Victoria. That's all. Thanks for reading! Just kidding, I bet those who are reading this post are as curious as those who didn't attend. So what really went down on 14th September? Let's get started.

First of all, let's go through the itinerary for the event.
Sounds like a pretty mundane event eh? Sometimes it's the attendees who make an event really amazing. I will elaborate about that further down in the post so keep reading.

After getting checked-in to the event by two lovely ladies from MSI, attendees get an MSI goodie bag. What is in the goodie bag you may ask? A scarf, an MSI Gaming Dragoon badge and a certificate of participation.
2 lovely ladies ^^ cr: MSI Malaysia NB
We start off the event with DuskBin players show match. Well actually it was DuskBin 3+2 as 2 stand-ins were chosen from the attendees. The showcase went very well, due to unforeseen baddies on the opposite team which I got the audience to agree too haha.

We continue with a short speech/story as told by the man in charge of MSI operations in Malaysia then followed by the presentation by MSI about the technology they implemented in their Gaming Series notebooks. My only spite with this particular session is that the session was just to general and it's like someone reading the catalogue to you. What I would had like to hear instead was like their design philosophy/choices as to why they used this technology in this particular notebook and not the other one, or why the different build materials/quality. With that being said though, it wasn't like some sort of technology conference but just my two cents. It was just there to convince people why MSI is a better choice than ASUS/Alienware when choosing a gaming notebook.

Moving along now, we have the exhibition match between attendees and DuskBin players. For balance's sake, DuskBin players were divided into the 2 teams thus making 2 DuskBin 2 + 3 volunteers. Unfortunately there were no notable highlight for the match.

Then we have a player sharing session. We had a LoL pro player share some of his experience and opinion on the pro scene of both Dota2 and LoL. It was quite a good listen, and I learned some good insight! Later on the stage we had an admin from DotaTalk and followed by a player from RunEmo(CrossFire).

That's is really everything general about the event so if you don't like people doing some self reflection on an event you can tune out now.

Oh you are still here? Let's get started shall we.

I went to this event without knowing what it would be like, actually I went to the event on sheer interest and just meet StashDen's Andrik after writing for them for about 4 months. I came out from the event surprised as I met a lot of cool people at the event.

First of all, I shall mention Kenneth from Sunway Uni. He's one of the few who brought along his MSI GE620DX(not sure about the last 2 characters). Sadly we were the only two who set up our notebooks further from the stage area. A pretty cool guy who won a limited edition MSI X SteelSeries Siberia V2 (damn jelly I am) Looking forward to talk to him more some day.

Another lucky son of a gun to win the limited edition was an English teacher who drove all the way down to the event from Kuala Lipis (sorry forgot about your name bro, your story was too overwhelming xD) He owns the recently introduced GE40 with the lit Dragon Eyes. Talking to him just really proves to me that you can be a gamer, no matter how old, as long as you devote the time/resources to enjoy yourself as a gamer.

Last but not least, Adrian from PJ(?) dubbed the most hardcore MSI notebook fan there is, owning all 3 generations of the GT series notebooks (where do you get the damn money from TT) and coming to the event as early as 8 or at an even earlier time that I couldn't remember. Damn guy is so hardcore, Chuck Norris has to step aside when he comes by.

Overall I come out from this event pleasantly surprised. Would I go to the next one? Of course I will and I would certainly endorse those who are interested to just come and chill. Peace.

P/S: I asked around for photos of the event but it seems that only MSI is in posession of said photos and I have no idea when would they finally post it. Weird delay if you ask me, if they uploaded the photos to FB more people would had known about the event and eyebrows would certainly be raised. Sigh, readers will just have to deal with a no photo post :( so sorry, will bring my camera next time.

UPDATE 23/9/2013: FINALLY... PHOTOS, but seriously, here's the link
spot me if you can xD