the setting in Skyroom, Federal Kuala Lumpur

     Yesterday, I was at the launch event for ALCATEL ONETOUCH's IDOL X+ and IDOL ALPHA that was held at Low Yat Plaza Concourse. Before that I attended the media event that was held at Skyroom, Federal Kuala Lumpur. Quite a familiar sight since I was here a few years ago for one of my school's functions.

    After a quick welcome by the hosts, KL Khong, Country Manager of TCT Mobile Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. gave a brief speech and introduction about the new models in the IDOL series.Members of the media were then shown video presentations for the IDOL X+ and IDOL ALPHA.

From left to right: Jason Khor, Business Development Manager of  TCT Mobile Malaysia; KL Khong; Steven Tan, CEO of TenTen Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd. and Alan Bong, Executive Director of TenTen Telecommunications

    After the short presentation, the event carried on with a Q&A session for the press. A quick write-up about the session:

  • 32GB might be arriving in Q2
  • Expect an LTE device from ALCATEL ONETOUCH coming soon
  • 4.4 update expected with no ETA given

    After the press event ended, we headed over to Low Yat Plaza Concourse for the launch event. After a few words from the emcee, we start off with an energetic dance performance.

Our emcee for the day.
The standard dancing with phones performance.
    Not much of a product demo though, which is kind of weird considering this event is about phones. Oh well, at least attendees get to see and test out all the phones that ALCATEL ONETOUCH has to offer on the showfloor.

pretty girls with pretty phones.
     Of course you would want to see how the IDOL X+ looks like so I will include some photos down below. I messed around with the phone for some time, like how it looks, the IDOL X+ operates very smoothly and the display looks pretty nice. That's a pretty vague description and I think I need a much more throughout look before dropping any verdicts, so TCT you are welcomed to send one over my way for review *cough*.