- Status Update #1

8:09 PM , 0 Comments

     Hello guys, been a while since I posted consistently on the website; reason behind such inactivity is partially due to the never forgiving college life and my laziness has also played a big part on me not having a post up on the site for so long. I'm writing this post to shed some light on the future of this blog.

     Since I'm on my semester break now, I have ample amount of time on my hands to spend; in the pipeline, there will be three product reviews that will be up on site within this month (hopefully). Other than that, I have been thinking about what else should I write on the site. One of the ideas is to have something more gaming oriented up on the site but that is to be seen. You'd probably see a lot more opinion pieces similar to the vibes of "Are you willing to switch to a smartwatch" and "The Waiting Game".

     Looking at the statistics, the most viewed post while I was gone was certainly the root guide for LG G Pro 2, so this brings me to the question of whether should I start writing more guides. While certainly as time consuming as writing a review, it seems to pull in more readers that are keen to learn things and interact. I will see if there is anything else to write a guide about that the internet doesn't have too much of an abundance yet.

     I was thinking about moving the site off of Blogger to allow me to better manage the backend of the blog especially the design and what not. As it currently stands, the HTML coding behind the theme I'm using now is so messed up that I think I need to start from a clean slate. Yes, yes, I know Firefox users have a lot of trouble trying to view a lot of the reviews as the image size HTML code is interpreted differently than Chrome. Might try to redesign it myself but don't expect the site to shed it's skin any time soon.

     To get more timely status updates, you can follow me on Twitter or like the Facebook page for interesting articles taken from all over the internet.