Year-In-Review 2014 - Status Update #3

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     Again, it is that time of the year to recap everything that has happened so far into the year so I that I can do some self-reflection and decide what to put on the plate next. I tried to write this in a chronological manner but unfortunately when the 'kick' hits, I have to disregard any sort of content organization :P.

     Back in January, I acquired this domain to try and make this hobby into something of a serious affair. Back then, I was thinking of all the ad dollars I could make if I can turn this into a successful blog. Well looking at the blog now, I don't think I'm making a lot of progress into that goal, which may or may not be a good thing. After Google denied me from AdSense due to insufficient content, I tried other services like Chitika which frankly I will say makes the blog look even worse than it already was.

     After acquiring the domain, things seem to be going along a tad faster. Companies started to contact me to have reviews written about their products. Of course, all these reviews remain unbiased till this date because I still believe that being the niche outlet that provides true insights will play to my advantage in the long-run. I would like to take this chance to say thanks the following people/firms who gave me a chance to do what I like to do: Andrik from i-Rocks, Samuel from Armaggeddon/SonicGear, Lik Wei from OPPO, J1 Consulting representing ALCATEL, Ivan from PLAY Interactive (ROCCAT), Jeffrey from Rantau PR (Logitech), and any of those whom I forgot to mention. Thank you so much, this year of review writing has really improved my writing skills and also gave me a better insight as to what kind of person I am. I would also like to thank all my friends who have assisted me or inspired me to do better. I am not going to name any names here (to avoid internal affairs lol) but you all have impacted me in some shape or form regardless. I would also like to thank my parents for being supportive of my writing despite being skeptical when I was just starting.

     To follow suit on gratitude, I want to apologize to a few people for prioritizing the blog and my studies over their causes. I apologize to the C2AGE committee and HELPAKid committee for being non-committal to their cause. I apologize also to those who I have disappointed regardless of whether or not I have acknowledged their disappointment.

     This year in gaming, I would say that it's been pretty boring. Even when developers come up with new IPs, it seems that most of them still use the same bread and butter mechanics with the addition of a little to no innovative mechanics. The games I really liked this year are probably HearthStone, Watch_Dogs and Shadow of Mordor with SoM being my favorite game so far. I also seem to like Dota 2 lesser and lesser now which is similar to what I experienced with MapleStory.

     Now I'm trying to recall what was memorable this year, which frankly, I have a bit of a difficulty trying to remember. It can come to a conclusion that this year was a bland year or everything in this year is so awesome that I am desensitize to it already. Welp, I can't really think of any memorable stuff this year so I will move along to the self-reflection part.

     This year round, I watched a TED Talk where the speaker talked about an interesting idea and I quote "Fake it till you make it." While that sentence may sound terrible in some contexts, I interpreted it in my own way, which is to believe in yourself. I think the quote has helped me overcome some of the doubts in my head and continues to be the fuel behind everything I do.

     Coming back to the website, I am planning to move the site onto WordPress. Blogger has disappointed me at so many points of time and I am pretty much ready to move away from it. So much so, that I already started building a test site to see if WordPress can do everything I need it to do. Here's a sneak peak of the test site.

     I think I have gone on too much of a ramble so I will stop writing here. Remember, if you have any questions for me, you can hit me up on any social media platform or leave a comment down below. Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for me.