Ken's 2013 Round-up

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     So I figured since it is almost the end of the year now that I would write a quick round-up about everything significant this year.

     I wanted to say that college took most of my time this year but that is obviously not true as I just finished my first semester in HELP. So what have I been doing for the months which I was having my so called "study break".

   Well, the first half of 2013 was quite uneventful other than me officially starting to write reviews on my blog and not forgetting my virgin review of the Steelseries Siberia V2 Gaming Headset which is still what I consider as a not "half-assed" review. That review really brought along a lot of opportunities, one of which is joining along side StashDen (thank you, Andrik, really learnt a lot from you) to bring my reviews to the masses. Unfortunate to say that StashDen has been idle since September/October as the team has shift focus onto other tasks.

     Other than that, the post also brought along a missed opportunity, which was a contact within Armaggeddon (Samuel, thank you for recognizing my efforts when I initially started). I got to talk to them about collaborating but due to unforeseen events, in the end it didn't work out. Also not forgetting Lowyat forum which is basically the platform that made these 2 amazing things happen. Nevertheless, it's been a good run, but I think I will have another review up before considering if I should proceed with my future plans which I will mention near the end of this post.

    So now, about college life. It's pretty awesome. Much more enjoyable than working (but that might be depending on what job you have). The first semester of college had taught me a lot of things and allowed me to meet even more amazing people! In one of my tweets, I mentioned that college is all about doing things you would never have thought of doing before. One of them is being a part of "Smiles for Hope", a charity project aimed to aid Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital. It's been more than an assignment to me, partially because in that project I could see passion radiate from people and also not forgetting the other extreme, indifference. Oh, and here's what I did for Smiles for Hope!

     The classes I had in college were great fun too, also giving me amazing opportunities. I had an assignment which required me to interview someone who I deemed successful. The people around me just went ahead and interviewed what I would call "the regular joes". So me being myself, I swore to not bore my lecturer and wanted to interview someone very interesting. First, I approached Logan from TekSyndicate, who runs a website and YouTube channel which revolves around technology. While I didn't get to have a real interview with him per say, Logan and co answered my questions in a video which you can check out below, you can watch from the beginning but if you're so keen on saving time, it starts @ 0:37. So I turned around and approached Luminous, someone who you would be familiar with if you were to follow the Dota 2 E-Sports scene. In short, he is a big name in casting Dota 2 games. Fortunately I got to interview him via Skype but I lost the chat log due to my notebook deciding to go all mambo on me. Here's the assignment if you would like to have a jab at that.

     I'm also currently in the committee behind C2AGE, an exhibition about anime, comics and stuff which you find out more on their website. I'm in charge of a lot of the designing so now I can show you guys exclusive pictures! (haha)
C2AGE 2014 Car Sticker! :D

C2AGE 2014 Pocket Calendar (with the dates behind of course)
     All in all, it's been a fantastic year for self-improvement and mind-opening nonetheless. About my future plans, I'm planning to move this blog onto it's own domain, preferably but I will see to it. While the content might not solely consist of tech reviews, I still hope I can write content that resembles my stance on technology. Oh and also sorry if the post seems to be a tad bit of un-chronological because this was written over a span of few days and the writing style might vary time to time. (haha)

    That's all for now, kenysl signing off.