OnePlus One: The One to rule them all?

     A few months back, I remember seeing weird pictures/tweets appearing on famous leak (more like psuedo marketing) account, @evleaks which were apparently sponsor messages. These messages made fun of campaigns created by other phone manufacturer. From 'Goodbye Moto' to 'Here's The Change', followed by the hashtag '#neversettle' and OnePlus branding. Since it was sponsored, I didn't pay much mind to it; that was the case, until specifications of a phone named OnePlus One was released. It swept all Android enthusiasts off their feet; the phone that was announced to be less than $400 (~MYR 1,300), had specifications of a flagship that would normally cost more than $600 (~MYR 2,000).

     Of course, being the ever so sceptical me, I went "Cool, now what are you not telling me? ". Since it was not the full specifications nor had the design of the phone surfaced, I naturally made the assumption that there were gimmicks used in order to reach this price point. Fortunately, over the past month, I was proven wrong.

     Yesterday, press renders came out and showed the world what the One allegedly looked like. If the leak is true, the One will easily be one of the first phones that comply to most of the wishes of the Android community, or well at least the Android community on Reddit. Beautifully designed phone (dat interchangeable back) , with specifications to walk the talk.

a photo taken by the phone
     So you might be saying, "Cool phone. So what?" Perhaps this will be a take-off point, for Android phones. Nevertheless, the OnePlus One will be officially released on April 23rd. In three more days, we will know if this is the One to rule them all.